Top cloud computing solutions you must be aware of

Google’s announcement on Chrome Operating system and Upcoming browser Gazelle from Microsoft which is expected to release on coming monday are the hot topics today on the internet. You might have heard the word "cloud" often in tech blogs talking about theme browser based operating systems. Here I am with a list of cloud solutions and related stuff which may help you to figure out the plot.

If you are totally new to cloud computing, that is, you think it is something about sky cloud, please read my previous post on cloud computing overview and definitions.

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing

Google Cloud Computing

When some one talk about internet and online, next word to it is Google. As Google has invested heavily in online storage and cloud computing, you should be watching them closely. Last day, Google made big changes on their cloud base by removing beta labels from their top SAAS cloud such as Gmail, Docs etc. Also the announcement of Google Chrome Operating System which is expected to be released on mid 2010 is probably gonna make a new buzz in the IT world. As for now, they are focusing on net books only. This will rush the migration to cloud computing by 200 times faster than present. Google went from a happy consumer of open source to an active contributor to open source on a very big scale. This is the fact which make developers a Google fan. New cloud OS will definitely increase Goog’s popularity in coming days.

Amazon Cloud Computing

When it comes to real enterprises cloud, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is the primary and reliable solution. Biggest buzz of 2009, Twitter is utilizing the EC2 to satisfy their millions of users without any interuption.EC2 allows scalable deployment of applications by providing a web services interface through which a customer can create virtual machines, i.e. server instances, on which the customer can load any software of their choice.

Microsoft Cloud

"Azure" is cloud PAAS being provided by the so called software giant. They offer private and public cloud solutions, which are highly virtual and managed in a consistent manner. They are dynamic and elastically scalable and strictly focused on the delivery of services to the user. "Gazelle" browser from Microsoft, which runs it’s own OS will make a new buzz in browser market share and this will open a new heaven in the cloud computing industry.

Grid Cloud

There was a time when cloud computing was talked by CTOs and tech people. Apple introduced a new infrastructure for cloud which they called grid.Grid computing has been used in environments where users make few but large allocation requests. But this is vise versa of normal cloud. Generally clouds computing is lots of small allocation requests. Oracle grid also is expected to make a buzz in upcoming days.

IBM Cloud

These are task specified cloud solutings.They are set to offer business processes as cloud services, virtual desktop as a service, which would allow businesses to deliver desktops virtually. They also provide solutions for business analysis and storage.

Sun Cloud

This is an on-demand Cloud computing service operated by Sun Microsystems .Through, they provide access to a substantial computing resource over the Internet. It is based on open source technologies like Solaris 10, Sun Grid Engine and the Java platform.

VMware Cloud

When it comes to vitalization, VMware is the king. Most of tech people who are having hardware limitations might have already tried VMware server to run Linux on their windows PCs .VMware announced their OS in a browser service recently. vCloud, vStorage, vNetwork and vCenter are other popular cloud solutions provided by VMware.

Ubuntu Cloud

Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud are solutions provided by Canonical which utilizes Ubuntu Server Edition. They help organizations to build public and private clouds. Ubuntu help organizations to migrate to a cloud environment through consultancy, deployment services and support.


The biggest threat of cloud culture is the security of user data. You have no idea about where your data is stored data centers are kept in what security. Recent Google Docs’s security issues will surely make people to think twice before they upload their files in to a cloud platform.

Free Cloud Computing

I came across cloud computing in early this year when I was preparing a presentation for rich internet application development tools. First I noticed , a free cloud solution from Ghost Inc founded by Zvi Schreiber which is developed in Openlaszlo. It awake my interest in cloud computing and then I found so many similar web based operating systems. Google apps announced their free account of Premier Edition. CTOs and tech people are eager to tryout demo versions of cloud solutions so that they can decide which solution is suitable for them. Zoho announced free accounts for their Project management 2.0 earlier this week.


Remixed version of unstable human emotions and thirst of mankind actions. UX designer, UI developer and HE of WebCastle Media Pvt LTD

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4 Responses

  1. chetandudhagara says:

    i want to know how to provide the security to cloud computing?
    not only for my personal data but total cloud…

  2. Sanat says:

    Will be checking out soon… thanks for the info.

  3. Tony Brown says:

    I don’t know If I said it already but …Great site…keep up the good work. 🙂 I read a lot of blogs on a daily basis and for the most part, people lack substance but, I just wanted to make a quick comment to say I’m glad I found your blog. Thanks, 🙂

    A definite great read..Tony Brown

  1. July 10, 2009

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