Google sitelink algorithm

I wasn’t really thinking about posting something today till I saw Google site links appeared for my blog. Remember the post I did earlier this year about how to get google site links ? If you tried those steps that time, you might be having nice site links to your blog by the day. Any ways, let me analyze the facts I listed that time.

Google site links

You must have a stable position on SERP for that keyword.

Yes, you need a stable position for keywords in SERP to have site links. The keywords here is not the name of links, but what ever you search. See the picture. Keyword is "html remix". It is having a stable position on SERP. But the link names are Microsoft Gazelle, Music and Remix. My blog is not positioned top for these keywords.

Your website should have at least two years of age. It seems that younger websites don’t get Sitelinks.

Hmm.. It seems Google love young Guys. Websites having PR 4 and aged around one year are getting sitelinks now days. So check whether your blog too got site links.

The number of search and number of clicks for a keywords may be considered.

Keywords that aren’t searched often enough don’t get sitelinks.Your website has to get many clicks for the keyword by other means.

Not really. The site links I am having now are not the popular pages on the blog. They are comparatively less linked and visited. So there is some thing else or randomly chooses the links. If popular page on a blog is to get site links, the first link to appear in my Curved Corner CSS.

Adding Google sitelinks in Web master tools

The anchor key that other sites used to link to your website is also considered.

This also was a myth. As per Google Webmaster tools, no one is linking to me with "Microsoft Gazelle" as anchor text. I am having more anchor text like CSS, SEO.

While talking about anchor text, hope you saw the Google update on Google blog. Google will link to a specific section of your page.

Need sitelinks for your site too ?

Now check my List of DOs to get sitelinks for your blog. Ohh you too busy guy? I can help you on SEO.


Remixed version of unstable human emotions and thirst of mankind actions. UX designer, UI developer and HE of WebCastle Media Pvt LTD

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2 Responses

  1. OS says:

    Thanks for interesting article

  2. roger says:

    I truly hope there are to a greater extent blogs entries like this one your blog; we need to post the information out there.

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