Google fav icon

In last June, Google changed their favicon. Google also started to improve favicon by collecting ideas from users around the globe ( Google is no more accepting new icons from now ). 


I was shocked to see such a wild logo when I was searching for a wordpress plug-in. I thought that Chrome 2 is playing prank on me. So I checked on Firefox, which lead me to google official blog. Google adopted a new fav icon for search. Now I remember that Matt Cutts of Google tweeted about Google sticker at Mac worldexpo . Now the idea is clear. But still I like that previous favicon. Which one would you like most ?


Remixed version of unstable human emotions and thirst of mankind actions. UX designer, UI developer and HE of WebCastle Media Pvt LTD

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2 Responses

  1. Naeem Blushi says:

    this new favicon sucks, shoban is right.

  2. Shoban says:

    You like this favicon?? I hate it.. it looks like’s favicon 😉

Talk your view

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