Private picasaweb – Photos are still not private.

In last december Google‘s own Picasaweb added new feature "Private albums", which requires login to view the photo. I was waiting for such a nice feature so that I can upload all my photos including those which I don’t want to show others. You can set the privacy in the album properties.

Picasaweb Private album settings

Picasaweb Private album settings

While talking to my friend on messenger yesterday, I sent her path of an image which is in my Private album. The path looks like "…../045.jpg". Oh my God ! she can see it!. I tried the same link in Firefox to make sure that it is working, yea it loads even if I am not logged in.

Private album is still not private. Beware 🙂


Remixed version of unstable human emotions and thirst of mankind actions. UX designer, UI developer and HE of WebCastle Media Pvt LTD

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