Google testimonials

Today, I am thrilled being asked to write Testimonial for Google. And here is what I wrote. I am not sure when they will publish it.

Invitation from google to write testimonial

Invitation from google to write testimonial

" I started using internet in December of 2005 when I got a dial up modem of 56KBps. And now I am using fastest broadband available in the country. My growth from a +2 student to a inspiring profession in two years was all due to Google. I am a Google fan like thousands of other geeks. I use almost all unpaid services from Google including Webmaster tools to Web history.

The first step when I log in to my PC is logging in the GMail.Then I will check scraps in Orkut. G Reader tells me what ever is happening in the world related to me. When Google news gets me all the news, GTalk keeps me in touch with friends. Picasaweb is my photo server and I love it more when the “Sign in required” came in.

Google mobile gave me access to every thing I want when I am with no internet and only having my Nokia 6080 with me while at my native.Page creator,sites and Knol are best for those who don’t have money to buy web space. Blogger was my way to publish till I turned to new self hosted blog at

Analytics,Webmaster tools help me to see what is happening on my sites and trends gave me idea what to do next. Custom search and website optimizer made my websites more accessible when Local business listing drive attention of searching people to my business.

Calendar is my personal assistant who reminds me what to do and remembers what I did like a dairy. Google Docs help me to create presentation and documents whenever and where ever I need. Spreadsheet helps my Team to collaborate on QA documents between seven offices worldwide.

Bookmarks made me not to care for Laptop even in journey. I can access it everywhere. I feel sad about Notebook. May be I can use more organized one using G Calendar .Groups and help center are great resources and community to solve any issues I have.

I keep my health updated with G Health and my friends can see where I am using Google Latitude. Friends connect is what I am looking now. iGoogle is no more using because Chrome is doing all these to me. Waiting for Android to come India. "

I hope the information on the Google services I am using will be helpfull for you. Please let me know if you are using any other services from Google

Google found me

More over, I am so exited to be considered by Google. 🙂


Remixed version of unstable human emotions and thirst of mankind actions. UX designer, UI developer and HE of WebCastle Media Pvt LTD

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1 Response

  1. Ismail Khan says:

    Hi Rahnas,

    COngrats for being spotted by goggle.Keep up the good work you have a great future awaiting you.

    Best Regards
    Ismail Khan

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