Matt Cutts

Website load speed and SEO ranking

Google's web spam team head Matt Cutts trying to catch my throat through YouTube while answering my SEO question

14 years ago

30 days of invisible life.

For last 30 days, I was in "Out of net" mission. That is, 30 days without any public online activities.…

15 years ago

Matt Cutts answering my SEO questions

Google's Matt Cutts answering my questions on Webmaster central grand bag question series. He talk about Digg Bar and Coming…

15 years ago

Yep Mee too Geek now

Update: I posted list of must have iPhone applications Last time, when I posted Geek 3.0 validation image, it said,…

15 years ago

Google fav icon

In last June, Google changed their favicon. Google also started to improve favicon by collecting ideas from users around the globe…

15 years ago