WordPress permalink plugins to make SEO hierarchy URLs

Few days before, I made a big change on this website, which few of you might already have noticed. If you are for the first time on this website and you are coming via search engines, you might have noticed that the URL on the SERP is different from the URL of the page.Yes, I modified the permalink structure of this Blog with a new meaningful hierarchy.

wordpress seo friendly permalink

In past, the post URL where like “www.htmlremix.com/post-name” which gives all the posts an equal value. But it was not having a hierarchy. So I decided to make it like “www.htmlremix.com/categoryname/post-name” . Just what I need to do is, change the permalink of post url to /%category%/%postname% . But I will lose all the traffic that which are linked to old URLs. So I tried so many plugins to redirect all those visitors to new URL. But most of them need to manually add the old and new ULR which is a massive job. Finally I found “Permalinks moved permanently” which automatically redirects both visitors and bots with a 301 permanent redirection header.

Now the category URLs are like “www.htmlremix.com/categoryname” which was like “www.htmlremix.com/category/categoryname” in old structure. That was annoying and the term category was absolutely wastage. I tried to use “Brianshoff” technique by adding one line code in the “wp-includes/template-functions-category.php”.

On line 36 of the wp-includes/template-functions-category.php file, you’ll see the code:

$catlink = str_replace(‘%category%’, $category_nicename, $catlink);

To remove “category” from the URL, simply add this line under it:

$catlink = str_replace(‘category/’, ”, $catlink);

But I am worried about future updates from wordpress which may overwrite those files. Finally I found an extension for this. No configuration needed for this “Top Level Categories“.

At present the Bog is a perfect SEO Blog by means of link structure.

www.htmlremix.com – root
www.htmlremix.com/seo – Category page
www.htmlremix.com/seo/keywords-in-url-matters-seo A post under category SEO.


Remixed version of unstable human emotions and thirst of mankind actions. UX designer, UI developer and HE of WebCastle Media Pvt LTD

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11 Responses

  1. Blair Gonzales says:

    I didn’t understand the concluding part of your article, could you please explain it more?

  2. Tony Brown says:

    Hey very nice blog!!….I’m an instant fan, I have bookmarked you and I’ll be checking back on a regular….See ya

  3. LnddMiles says:

    The best information i have found exactly here. Keep going Thank you

  4. ArianaSift says:

    Wow! Thank you! I always wanted to write in my blog something like that. Can I take part of your post to my site? Of course, I will add backlink?

  5. Jessicahils says:

    I really liked this post. Can I copy it to my site? Thank you in advance.

  6. assundrum says:

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    [eng] : Cool article, but would like to know more in detail about some aspects … How can we contact you?

  7. Asceptict says:

    hm… informative

  8. Spunky Jones says:

    @Remiz – when you use the permalink structure of /%category%/%postname%/ do you allow or disallow categories in your robots.txt file or SEO plugin?
    Many people feel that if you allow the bots to access your categories, they get better SEO as long as they are using excerpts or the read more.
    All that I have seen so far is more pages in the search results allowing the bots to access my categories and I get a little more web traffic.

  9. Spunky Jones says:

    I use the same permalink structure, /%category%/%postname% which works very well for a little extra add SEO.
    One thing that I have noticed is a big move of A list bloggers just using /%postname%/. I am wondering if they know something that many of us don’t know?

    • Remiz says:

      /%postname%/ makes direct root access to all pages in the blog which helps bots to crawl easier. But they are having less hierarchy when it comes with category and all. And more over SEO is mind game more than theories 🙂

  10. sunil says:

    Lets see how it works? but I heard that top level urls got better ranking? other than you are going to depth urls. But i am using as yours with .html extension 🙂

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