Does this domain name make sense ?

This post is been in my mind from the day I started this blog. Its all about the name that I’ve selected for this blog, ” HTML Remix”. At first of all, I really thank Vinod for directing me to for some reference. The first think came in to my mind was, which was my source of design ideas when I was working at Vanilla Networks. Any ways, the collaboration with HTML at Flip Media made me to search for a domain like , which I found as available for registering. Within an hour I confirmed the ownership of the domain 🙂 .
Today, I came across the blog by Guy Kawasaki, titled The Name Game . He listed six points regarding how you should select a name for your product or brand. I am not gonna discuss those points here as it would be better if you read from the author itself.
I’ve got my own ideas on how the name “HTMLRemix” match as my blog name.

Begin with letters early in the alphabet :
I am sorry for it 🙂 H is not the first letter in alphabet, but 8th. And that is gr8
Avoid names starting with X and Z :
Done. And what if the name ends with those two letters ? My name end with “z” and blog with “x” Does that make any sense ? Yes, both rock same time.
Embody verb potential :
I did this perfect. The name itself says every thing. This blog is all about how you can remix the HTML in your website. Not just that, how you can remix the HTML of your website to make your business perfect.
Sound different :
What does he really meant ? Do you feel this name as a different ? When it comes with Remix, it takes your mind to Music. Really isn’t it ? Soon, I will be blogging about my mad music sense. So name will worth the content of the site.
Embody logic :
Do you want an explanation for HTML Remix ? You know those words and what it means. But you will surely find something unexpected. Keep watching.
Avoid the trendy :
Do you wish if I could right HTML as html and Remix as some how else? No I am not gonna do it. HTML stands for some thing really bold. And Remix, which stands like “Remiz”, more over I want to put the “R” as Really bold in all my stuffs. May be a brand policy .


Remixed version of unstable human emotions and thirst of mankind actions. UX designer, UI developer and HE of WebCastle Media Pvt LTD

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1 Response

  1. Shameer says:

    I think cssremix was good… better than htmlremix…

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