Google sms channel, twitter updates and Google bot

A quick post to check twitter updates wordpress plug-in. And put some links to your information. This wordpress plug-in sends status message to your twitter account when ever you create new post on your blog.

Now this is about the Big deal with Google. You can now get an alert sms on your gadget when ever I do a new post here. What you need to do it, just subscribe on HTMLRemix blog update sms channel on Google Labs India. ( Only for Indian readers, may be.. )

The third link is about Google’s latest post on webmaster central blog . It is about Googlebot and different type of re-directions like 301,302 and http response messages like 404 and 304. Google says to use 304 response message for content updates information. You can read it in detail here on date with googlebot.


Remixed version of unstable human emotions and thirst of mankind actions. UX designer, UI developer and HE of WebCastle Media Pvt LTD

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2 Responses

  1. muthukumar says:

    please send me the detail hoe to unsubscribe channel and send more sms channels because i forgot some sms channel..

  1. April 20, 2010

    […] I remember, one friend told me told me that hotmail is providing free SMS alert for emails in India. But I never got a try on it as I don’t play with a hotmail […]

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