Must have iphone applications

Since I got my iPhone, I am missing so many features I used in my old Nokia 6080. But now, I am doing almost everything I do with a PC. I am listing some of nice apps that I use regularly on iPhone.

Must have iPhone apps

Must have iPhone apps

1. iReal SMS ( Cydia ) : Used to forward SMS. One of the iPhone missing feature was to forward SMS. For boys like me, it is mandatory to send joke SMS and so to friends when ever someone send me. That is a way of keep-in touch in this busy life. Now I can do it so easy.

2. Offline maps ( Cydia ) : Save map location in native map application so that we can access it offline on road. I used my old phone to understand where I am now. Yes that gsm’s cell info display was such a nice and simple way to navigate. But there is no cell info display option in iPhone. And I am not having data connection from cellular service provider. So getting way in Mumbai was a tough task while roaming in the weekends.

3. Fring : iPhone client of multi protocol instand messenger. Call your friends on gtalk and skype free from phone. Update twitted status. Chat with msn, yahoo and many more.

5. Mxtube ( Cydia ) : Download YouTube videos in iPhone. Does it need an explanation?

6. PicVault : Password protect photos in iPhone. Nice application to store your girlfriend’s photos :). You can organize photos in multiple folders. Multiple folder feature is missing in native iPhone photos app.

7. Backgrounder ( Cydia ) : Allows to run multiple apps at a time. Usually, you can not run more that o e application at a time on iPhone except iPod. Using backgrounder, you can run and minimize applications without closing it. I am using it now while typing this post using WordPress app, I am minimizing it and checking my home screen icons to decide which is next to write.

8. mAdvLock ( Cydia ) : It is so bad when some one theft your iPhone. You can protect your phone using this app. It will ask for password if new sim is inserted, and will send you SMS with new EMI and sim number so you can track your phone. More over, you can protect each and every app using a password. Must have app if phone is often checked by someone else.

9. iBluetooth ( Cydia ) : Transfer any file over Bluetooth with any device. No more restriction on sending your photos and music over Bluetooth.

10. Feeds : iPhone app for reading RSS feeds. Configurable with Goggle reader account. Sync in the morning, and you can read offline while traveling.

11. iBluesky : Sexy mind map creator app for iPhone. Export colorful mind map via email. Must have iPhone app if you use mindmaping.

12. Write now : White space where you can draw anything with your finger.

13. LogMeIn ignition : Remote access to your computer from iPhone. Using logmein service, you can control your computer desktop from iPhone.

14. RulerPhone : Another app to show off. You can measure height and width of any object using iPhone. Just take a snap of the object, draw line with your finger. It will show you the length. Also will tell you the distance between you and the object. Horrible isn’t it?

15. Files/ Flash drive : Both uses iPhone as a flash drive. Store your files and you can preview file in several formats.

16. Quick office : Microsoft Office like package for iphone. Word processor like rich text editor application with copy paste functionality. Powerful spreadsheet application almost similar to excel. Worth paying if you are a business person.

17. Analytics : Google analytics on iPhone.

18. Shazam : Finds the details of the song you are listening. If you like the song playing on a public speaker, and you want to get that song. Just keep your iPhone to the speaker, this app will find youtube link and other details for the song. You can tag song offline and get details when you get connection. Never miss the romantic single that you heard in the bus.

19. PocketGuitar ( Cydia ) : Guitar application for iPhone. Near six types of guitars available. Nice app for music lovers.

20. Air Mouse : Another app to show off. Use iPhone instead of mouse and keyboard. A wireless keyboard and mouse over wifi.

There are a lot of other applications and games I’m using. The latest Game I got is SIMS 3. Are you using other cool applications which I am not yet using? Tell me via comments. A list of iPhone games that I like is coming soon. Subscribe to RSS feed to know when I’m posting it. Also follow me on twitter to get instant information on iPhone apps and games.


Remixed version of unstable human emotions and thirst of mankind actions. UX designer, UI developer and HE of WebCastle Media Pvt LTD

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9 Responses

  1. Markus A. G. says:

    I’m about to jailbreak my ipod but I wanna know what the chances
    are of bricking or losing data on my ipod. Would it be safer if
    I backed up my ipod before i jailbreak it?.

  2. Unlocking your cell can be expensive sometimes, but have you seen this new cell phone unlocking project ? It aims to make it free and easy for anyone to unlock their phone.

  3. terry says:

    ur site is useful and well presented, most r not. i also used a nokia and what i miss most now with iphone is the office suite where i cld read and write sms’ from my phone on my pc. ru aware of any software available for iphone or how i can find it? i appreciate ur efforts.

  4. winsoar says:

    All you need to make an iPhone app of your own is a good idea.

  1. June 7, 2009

    […] Update: I posted list of must have iPhone applications […]

  2. June 12, 2009

    […] enjoy typing on iPhone than laptop keyboard. You really don’t have to type every letters. iPhone guess and auto-fills the words […]

  3. March 21, 2010

    […] the time I started using iPhone, I was wondering to build an iPhone App. Seriously, not to make fortune by selling my App on store for $ 0.99 , but I felt always a proud […]

  4. July 18, 2010

    […] when I am playing with iPhone. Every day, one new app is taking the charge. Hope you have seen the must have iPhone Apps list I published last year. Within this year, I worked on two iPhone App projects, of which one is […]

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