Disabling GPRS or EDGE in iPhone

When I came back to Kerala, I was exited to use my iPhone. Because I am subscribed to GPRS/EDGE data connection and I am literally always connected to internet. But cost of data service in India is more than having a broadband with unlimited downloads. And now I have wifi at home and office. So I need cellular data service only at road. Even when I am at home or office, I turn on wifi only when required. So if I open mail or other internet applications by mistake, it cost me $$$. I really hate it 🙂


In iPhone OS older than 3.0, there is option to change Cellular Data Network APN username and password. You can simply give a wrong login details and phone can not access data though GPRS/EDGE. But in iPhone OS3, there is no option to configure CDN. While searching for a solution in Goog, I found a app which fulfills my requirement. You just need to install an app and your Cellular Data connection will be turned off. You can re-enable it simply by removing the app from settings.

Disabling GPRS or EDGE in iPhone OS 2.xx

  1. Tap Setting icon
  2. Tap General Tap Network
  3. Tap Cellular Data Network
  4. Tap APN, Username and Password field

Just type anything.. You will receive a message that says "Unable to Connect to the GPRS Network" whenever you accidentally tap on online tool icons.

Now in iPhone OS 3, there is no option to manually configure APN username and Password. But still there is a work around.

Disabling GPRS or EDGE in iPhone OS 3

This is simple than disabling in iPhone OS 2. Follow the steps.


  1. Go to iPhoneNoData.com using Safari in your iPhone.
  2. Tap on the “Disable Edge/3G”
  3. Tap “Install”

Now, your cellular data access is disabled. You can confirm this by going to Settings > General. There will be a new item called profile, which will say "disabled-EDGE-3G".


You can uninstall it to enable your GPRS/Edge/3G connection by tapping "General – Profile – Remove"

If you found this post informative, read my other articles on iPhone. Don’t forget to follow me on twitter and subscribe to RSS feed


Remixed version of unstable human emotions and thirst of mankind actions. UX designer, UI developer and HE of WebCastle Media Pvt LTD

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10 Responses

  1. nauman says:

    thanks alot dude………….i m very happy…..again thank you very much

  2. Sor says:

    too good, works like a charm, thanks a lot man

  3. Aleta Desena says:

    Great article would it be OK if i translate into Dutch for our sites subscribers? Thanks

  4. BeZo Pravin says:


    I took think that its Right And its Common Now-a-Days… Anyhow, I am just Posting to share something with you. Yes, There is a Site Called http://SolveGprsProbs.In where GPRS Settings are Available for All Networks and Mobile Models. They also Give Diagnostics and Guides for Newbie Users… Hope this Helps.

    Happy Surfing…

  5. Kamal says:

    Is this method legal ???

  6. lewis says:

    application works om my M1 iphone…..thanks

  7. Lots of of bloggers are not too pleased with the new iPad.There was just too much hype over it and alot people got disapointed.You see, I actually see lots of the awesome potential of the gadget. Third-party soft for doing tunes, games, newsprints and magazines and FFS books, all sorts of cool stuff, but IMHO they just didn’t really sell it right (aside from the books). It looks kinda not finished

  8. Naina says:

    just installed it. hope it works! thank you!

  9. karar says:

    thannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnk youuuuuuu

  10. Sunil says:

    hmmm… good thinking 🙂

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