Google to kick out firefox ?

I’m not sure about the things happening in Google. Specially by the release of Google Chrome . Today, while Orkuting, I fount a bad link on my home page. It says me ” try Orkut in Google Chrome”

Of course I did it. I opened Google chrome and logged in to orkut. Again Google played a trick there.

You see this ..

It says “Awesome, you’re using Google Chrome! Don’t forget to feed it donuts!” .

Any way,  I’m not gonna use Google Chrome as my default browser for now because I love firefox !. Even here in the screenshoots, you can see the difference in Orkut page. You see firefox screenshoot looks different from Chromes ? . Yes, I’ve developed  themes for Orkut in firefox . You can download it from . I have created Orkut in office and now I am using the new theme Orkut re-boned which not only minimise the visuals and page loads, the desing in bit changed for usability. Can you really ask me to lose all this and use a new borne browser like Chrome ? I don’t think so. 🙂


Remixed version of unstable human emotions and thirst of mankind actions. UX designer, UI developer and HE of WebCastle Media Pvt LTD

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