Tweet Dots – Lightweight twitter app for Mobiles and iPhone

Update (06 July 2011) : Source code is made available for download over here : Download Tweet Dots. Be sure to enter your API key in key.php

Update (24 April 2010) : Due to heavy volume of work load and number of twitter client apps available, I have stopped development of this App. A development preview of the App is available on . Best viewed on iPhone Safari. Source code of this app is available up on request.

Twitter Dots is a light weight web app for mobile and iPhone users who are using EGDE or GPRS. As they have limited speed. Those who just want to check @replays and DMs while they are travelling or what ever. This app also includes public time line, search with trending topics. No pages will auto refresh on login. So that user saves cellular band width and see only what user really want to see.

Tweet Dots

Tweet Dots

I am working on the early beta version. Will be available for public soon. I’m expecting it on 1-1-10