WordPress theme : THEMERemix v1.o

Last weekend, I was thinking to do some thing that I never think of, and I did it! a wordpress theme. I provided a download link via twitter and allowed every one to have a preview of it. I thank Saif for making it a blog post and hence the theme hit more than hundred downloads within first 2 days. lol I am very exited.

THEMERemix v1.o

THEMERemix v1.o

The success of this theme engaged me to do more on it and now I think it is up to standards for public release. Here I will explain some features I have added which you may not notice at the first time.


The HTMLing is done in a way that it follow all the semantic html guidelines and most suitable for SEO. You can have a look on the change by disabling style sheet.

Thumb images

Thum images for post

Thum images for post

The posts in the listing pages like home, category, tags and archive pages will have thumb images, which is using wordpress "Custom filed". You may add a new custom field with name "Image" and value, the full URL of the image path. The image should be 144X94 px for having good look. If you didn’t add the image, it will load a default image which is placed in images folder of the theme.

Comment forms

Comment forms with Ajax functionality

Comment forms with Ajax functionality

The comment listing in done in a way that it will show only comment list or comment form at a time. You can toggle it any time by clicking the "Post comment / Show comment " button. This is done using jquery script. And if a user is javascript disabled, both items will show.

Site search

I am using Google custom search for this template. So you will have to either use your custom search or replace the search code with wordpress search. To do this, open sidebar.php in themes folder

  1. Replace <?php // get_search_form(); ?> with <?php get_search_form(); ?> in line number 10
  2. Remove Google custom search code (Line number 11 to 19)
Search form

Search form

Comment avatar

Comment listings are already using get_avatar so it will show thumb image for comment authors. ( I have found one issue for get_avatar that it will be replaced by Google profile image if you are using Google FC plugin for wordpress comment.) But as far as you are not using it, no problem.

Footer links

The links in the footer can be changed in footer.php. I reccoment you not to remove the link back to this blog ( Let others too get a nice wordpress theme 🙂 )


Thanks for having look on the theme overview. Now download THEMERemix v1.o free !. Also, the belove comment box is for you. What you like in this theme ? or did I miss some features that you really want?. Tell me even if you really hate this look. Because that is the way I can improve it. Also, follow me on twitter so that you can get alerted when I update the theme. Also subscribe to feed if you like this blog 🙂 .


Remixed version of unstable human emotions and thirst of mankind actions. UX designer, UI developer and HE of WebCastle Media Pvt LTD

2 Responses

  1. assundrum says:

    Прикольная статья, но хотелось бы поподробнее узнать о некоторых моментах… Как можно с Вами связаться?

  2. ash says:

    Join me to congrate our junior leader. He done wonderful job through this wordpress theme. I am sure Remis can do nice themes for other blogs too.
    MaSha Allah..

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